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    Really Interesting Finance News
    Really Interesting Finance News
    Wednesday, 30 March 2016 13:59

    Port Talbot Steel Workers Deserve Everything They Get Featured

    This isn't going to be popular to say but the people of Port Talbot deserves everything they get when it comes to their Steel Plant closing.

    Looking at it objectively, they voted for an MP who backs high energy costs, who backs a high minimum wage, who backs staying in the EU – which doesn't do a single thing to stop imports of Chinese Steel. What did they think was going to happen? Young Kinnock MP never hid the fact that he backed every single condition which made your plant uncompetitive – and they still voted for him!

    Far from a bail out, the people of Port Talbot should be fined and have their steel plant taken off them. They voted for this, now they are going to have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

    The MP that these people voted for is one that would inflict the same pain on the rest of the Country given chance. It is about time that people realised the people they vote for has consequences for them. Maybe next time they will think twice, but probably not. 

    The locals of Port Talbot need to made an example of, if you are a Turkey – don’t vote for Christmas! It’s simple. Throw them under the bus as a warning for the rest of the UK.

    Our news service is great because it pulls no punches and doesn't allow political correctness to interfere with our views.
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