Quick Loans v Easy Group – Legal Funding Easy Victims
- Quick Loans Team
- Category: Quick News
Quick Loans Ltd has recently received a legal claim from Easy Group, demanding that we cease using the name EasyLoans.co.uk and transfer ownership of the domain to them. We strongly reject these claims and are now offering to fund the defence of others targeted in similar cases by Easy Group.
In November 2016, we received a letter from Easy Group asserting that the rights to the domain name EasyLoans.co.uk belong to them, despite our ownership and operation of the name since 2011. Easy Loans is a brand owned and operated by Quick Loans Ltd.
We won’t delve too deeply into the details of their claim, as the matter is ongoing. However, in our initial response, we disagreed with their position and considered the issue closed. We also informed them that persisting with the claim would necessitate instructing legal counsel, incurring costs. Unfortunately, Easy Group chose not to leave it there, and it now appears they are prepared to pursue a legal battle.
Financial Bullying
We are aware of Easy Group’s long history of threatening domain owners with exorbitant legal costs. This practice dates back to the early 2000s with domains such as EasyPizza.co.uk. Their legal actions seem to have had little success in court, and they have even been criticised by the courts for attempting to claim rights to all references to the word “Easy.” This raises the question: what exactly are they attempting to achieve with these numerous legal claims?
After researching various online sources, it appears that Easy Group has a reputation for bullying. Numerous reports suggest they intimidate legitimate domain owners into handing over domains containing the word “Easy,” using the threat of crippling legal costs regardless of the legitimacy of the claims.
We found no evidence to refute these allegations of financial bullying. For example, Easy Group could use a fair and cost-effective alternative to legal disputes: Nominet’s Dispute Resolution Service (DRS). This service, costing just £750, allows a claimant to present their case. If successful, Nominet transfers the domain to the claimant. However, because the DRS does not allow for cost intimidation, Easy Group has never, to our knowledge, filed a claim through this service. This further supports the perception that their focus is on leveraging financial pressure rather than legitimate claims.
Even responding to one of their legal letters in the appropriate format can cost thousands of pounds - long before any court proceedings. It’s easy to see why some small businesses, facing such intimidation, might reluctantly hand over their domains to avoid financial ruin.
Standing Up To The Easy Bully
At Quick Loans Ltd, we dislike bullies. If Easy Group is using bullying tactics against innocent individuals, we aim to level the playing field. Fortunately, Easy Group has picked a fight with a finance company that not only has the resources to defend itself but is also prepared to fund the defences of others.
Funding Legal Defences
We are offering to fund the defence of legitimate domain owners who receive legal letters from Easy Group through Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs) or similar arrangements. Quick Loans Ltd will cover the legal costs of defending rightful users of the word “Easy.”
Why are we doing this?
We have three main objectives:
- Financial Returns: Under CFAs, legal defence funding can result in significant returns for funders. We could achieve up to 100% profit on our investments if the claims are successful.
- Holding Easy Group Accountable: Easy Group’s legal threats are no longer a joke. These claims disrupt legitimate businesses, forcing them to divert funds from staying afloat into fighting spurious legal battles. By providing well-funded, cost-free defences, we aim to introduce significant risks for Easy Group, including the possibility of paying defendants’ legal costs.
- Understanding the Bigger Picture: If Easy Group is issuing claims on a broader scale, we reserve the right to request that the courts designate them as vexatious claimants.
What We Won’t Do
We respect Easy Group’s rights to their brand. Where they have legitimate concerns about infringement, they are entitled to legal redress.
However, we will not fund cases involving obvious attempts to mimic Easy Group’s branding, such as domains like EasyJets.co.uk using their font and colours. Our funding is strictly for those with legitimate uses of the name, as determined by our legal counsel upon application.
If you’ve received a legal letter from Easy Group or their representatives and wish to apply for funding for your defence, please get in touch with us via the Contact Us option.