Has anyone spotted the irony of how one Government watchdog’s crackdown on a small, insignificant area of the consumer credit market has played right into the hands of those who own the lions share and who instead, should be attacked on epic proportions for their bad behavior Evidently, Goliath is protected by not just one…
Credit rating. The holy grail when it comes to finance. So how do you ensure that a good credit rating stays with you? What tips are there that you can continuously follow to ensure you stay out of trouble. Not many people know for instance that just checking on whether you have a good credit…
As it stands we are in an 'interest bubble'. We are experiencing some of the lowest mortgage rates that we've ever seen and people with big mortgages are starting to wonder whether they can start to hammer down that mighty monthly payment that's swinging around their neck. Because of how things are with interest rates…
Round two has begun as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon sets out a draft bill for a second independence referendum. The second referendum debate was sparked when Britain voted to leave the EU. Most surveys, however, are suggesting that the majority of Scots would use their common sense again by voting to stay as part…
I know you’re probably sick of hearing about the B word – Brexit – we are too. In fact, the very subject makes us feel a little bit queasy. In all honesty though, it needs talking about. It will impact on every aspect of our lives and will influence where we are and how we…
The pound has fallen to its lowest level in 10 million years and it is all Brexit’s fault, or so they will have you believe. In truth, the Brexit has a small short term part but the majority is down to economic mismanagement over the last 30 years. On June the 24th, it became clear…
Black Friday is nearly upon us – you know the day where unwitting shoppers are enticed and lured into department stores and online shops to spend an absolute fortune on items they simply don’t need believing they are getting a bargain? Yep, that day is just around the corner. The Americans have exported some good…
Ever since Action Fraud was introduced to the UK in 2012/2013, the instances of fraud have sky rocketed. The reason is simple, the criminals don’t fear it. This organisation is a complete failure, a waste of money and a waste of time. It should be closed immediately before it does anymore damage. Pre Action Fraud…
One story that is big right now is about the people who claim that they have received a County Court Judgement without any type of notification. Yet we know this isn’t possible, so why is it being spun like this? This story starts out only a few weeks ago, before that we had never even…
We are currently witnessing the first signs of the collapse of the European Banking Sector - and with it, we believe, maybe even the global banking sector. There has always been one glowing beacon before a bank collapses - it raises interest rates. It was the same with the Icelandic Banks in 2008. They raised…
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